Friday, February 26, 2010

Informal Letters

Dear Students,

Thank you indeed for the efforts you are making. I am proud of you all.

Last week you wrote an informal letter about the use of cell phones in school. Now, it's time to learn how to write an informal letter. Open the file on the following link:

Informal Letters

and read the first two pages. Then write a new letter about the same topic according to the format in the file you read.

I wish you the very best,

Ahmad Amer


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 21 amer Avenue
    Dear Aya, 1 march 2010

    hello,How are you?
    Thanks for your last letter.
    I miss you so much, there are many things that I want to tell you about, I realy need you, I yearn to our meetings and your beautiful smile.
    at first,I want to tell you about the new rule in my school.
    last week the principal announced that using the cellphone in the school is forbidden.
    this rule remind me of your speech when we met last time, you said that your school doesn't allow student to use cellphone in the class, so in the morning all of the students give their cellphones to the secretary and after the end of the school day they get back their cellphones.
    this week I saw that this rule isn't effective, not like at your school, in my school the students want to do what they want.
    I know that when the rule is effective , the order exist, but that doesn't make me agree with making rules.
    I have a logic, students doesn't need rules, they need a mind, just a mind to think and study by and i know that making rules should be done from the beginning, not now.
    that is my opinion, what's your opinion?
    do you agree with me?
    I'm waiting for your answer.

    Looking forward to seeing you again.

    with Love,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. .....................................21 amer Avenue
    Dear Aya,............................ 1 march 2010

    hello,How are you?
    Thanks for your last letter.
    I miss you so much, there are many things that I want to tell you about, I realy need you, I yearn to our meetings and your beautiful smile.
    at first,I want to tell you about the new rule in my school.
    last week the principal announced that using the cellphone in the school is forbidden.
    this rule remind me of your speech when we met last time, you said that your school doesn't allow student to use cellphone in the class, so in the morning all of the students give their cellphones to the secretary and after the end of the school day they get back their cellphones.
    this week I saw that this rule isn't effective, not like at your school, in my school the students want to do what they want.
    I know that when the rule is effective , the order exist, but that doesn't make me agree with making rules.
    I have a logic, students doesn't need rules, they need a mind, just a mind to think and study by and i know that making rules should be done from the beginning, not now.
    that is my opinion, what's your opinion?
    do you agree with me?
    I'm waiting for your answer.

    Looking forward to seeing you again.

    with Love,

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. ......................................9, almadeena street
    ......................................march 2, 2010

    Dear Sarah,
    How are you?! how do you feel? I miss you so much, you haven't sent me a letter a long time.
    I'm writing you to tell you about the decision the principal has decided, which is -students wouldn't be allowed to bring cell phones to school-.

    I think he chose a right decision because in our school students use cell phones for amusement and not to help them if they need it in a state of necessity.

    cell phones sometimes make teachers angry especialy when students leave them on and play on them during the lesson.

    with all my respect,

  7. ...............7 alshohada st.
    ..........10 march.2010
    dear holon dolon
    how are my close my friend? i did not see you since you have travel to touronto so i miss you every day most than before.

    i want to tell you about our new law that was put in our class they decied that pupils should not use the cell phones in schools they were late in my opinion because using cell phones during the lesson will influence to the aware of him and this will affect in how teachers learn and passing the lesson correctly.
    but sometimes using c.p important like to call dad or mom to back us to home when the weather is rainy but at the end we have to esteem every law in school to learn well and to continue better and to reach to purpose because teachers like our interest.

    your fiend
    qusai issa

  8. Dear Students,
    Qusai, Rula, Sara,
    Thank you for your letters. I hope you enjoy writing and reading what your classmates do. You are doing a great job.

    I have one comment:
    Pay attention to spelling, especially to capitalization. When you start a new sentence, the first letter should be capital. Also, never write "i"; write "I"

    I wish you the best.
    I am proud of you all.

    Ahmad Amer

  9. ..........7 alshohada st
    ..........21 march.2010
    dear ahmed
    how are you? how is every thing?I miss you so much I did not see you since a month when we were at the party. It was a good day.

    I am writing this letter to tell you about a new rule at my school that we should not use a cellphone at school.thats not good because some times i needed him to call my dad and my friend.but its a good rule that we can learn without a noise.
    what do you think about this...send to me a
    letter that Containing your opinion.

    your best friend
