Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Write 80-100 words in English on the following topic.

Dear students,

This blog is your opportunity to help you improve your writing in English.

I hope you will enjoy it.

Write 80-100 words in English on the following topic.

A month ago, your principal decided that students would not be allowed to bring cell phones to school. Write a letter to a friend abroad, telling him or her about this new rule.

You may relate to the following points:

Why cell phones are not allowed in school.

How the new rule has changed life in school.

How you and / or the other students feel about the new rule.

How the new rule has affected you.


Ahmad Amer


  1. Dear Ahmad

    Hellow how are you... A month ago our pricipal decided that students would not be allowed to bring cell phones to school.
    they decided this new rule becauze the cell phones may be a little way to Nuisance. and maybe they are Afraid from taking a picturs from our cell phones.
    anyway this rule hase changed our life in school becauze no one hase Used to this rule and wey always was listening for the music to keep our Focus on the teacher.
    we are very sad about this new rule and we will Object about this rule and We will oppose and will never Keep silent.
    i used to I used to hear music and take picturs and now i am very sad but we will change Everything.
    I hope to write me a message and will see you soon.

    ur frind:

  2. Sweet lovely Samar
    what's up girl..?? how are you?? I hope you are ok..!
    I want to tell you about the new decision that our principal had decided, the cellphones are not allowed in school now..!
    all the student are surprised, and some of them got very upset about that.
    I don't know myby this will be a good change, but you know, sometimes we realy need cellphones at school, for example I bring it with me because sometimes it rains and I can't walk to home , so i call my mum to take me home!
    I think that we should talk with thr principal to let him retreat about his decicion..
    what do you think about it??!!
    send me soon
    your friend
    Eman Khir allah

  3. hi my friend hollon dollon
    how are you my friend h.d i wish that you are making fun abroad i would like to introdus our new rule in the school they decied that puplis in the school dont bring cell phones in the school beceuse this will influence in there learning so somebody admire him this rule and some didnt accept so in my opinion cell phones in the school is forbidden because school for teaching and not for making connection.
    your frind: qusai

  4. Dear Riham
    Hi , How are you?
    I want to tell you about the new decision that the cellphone not allowed in the school because it affected on the teachers during the class , The students is very upset ,but the cellphone sometimes is necessary as when i want to call my parents to take me home if i'm sick but i dont know if the principal most to changed his decicion , what do you tink?!
    Are she rite ? see you soon
    with love ,
    raneen fraig !

  5. dear jone
    hey pal.. how are you ?i remembar the last taime i saw it was in friend i want to tell you a rule has being apply in our school,it is about cell phones .the principal decided that students would not be allowed to bring cell phones to school a month ago,i think that she dcided that decision because the cell phones is distraction for the fact ,this rule has change the school to the best,it is so hard to coming to school with out cell phone the school will be boring,in addition, that rule did not affect on me or some body alse.
    your best friend
    m.a(mostafa amer)

  6. dear lare :
    how are you?
    i want to tell you that my principal decided that students would not be allowed to bring cell phones to school, think that she dcided that decision because the cell phones is distraction for the students & this will influence in there learnin so i without using fone in school , finally i wish u send me later and tell me about your new school in U s A ..please don't forget to kiss your sisar's for me .. big kiss for you too byebye

  7. dear lana....
    hi! how are you??!! i want to tell you that the principal put a new rule which is "students would not be allowed to bring cell phones to school".
    in my opinion this rule is good because cell phones cause mess in lessons and make teachers angry.
    This rule make a discipline in school and make students behave more politely.
    with love, hadeel sarsour

  8. Dear Sarah,
    How are you?! how do you feel? I miss you so much, you haven't sent me a letter a long time.
    I'm writing you to tell you about the decision the principal has decided, which is -students wouldn't be allowed to bring cell phones to school-.
    I think he chose a right decision because in our school students use cell phones for amusement and not to help them if they need it in a state of necessity.
    cell phones sometimes make teachers angry especialy when students leave them on and play on them during the lesson.


  9. Dear John
    first of all im so sory i didnt wrote to you last two weeks but we had a few problems in the school, its the principal fault he made a very bad decision he decided that students would not be allowed to bring cell phones to school, so a lot of students object and We have seen many demonstrations.
    i think its not a very bad decision because now we concentrate more, we feel safer because we know that there is no one Depicts us i mean the girls. so its not a bad idea and i am so glad he did that.
    i am so sory i wrote a lot and i forgot to ask how are the conditions in your new town and your new school i hope that you met a new good friend.
    o.k. i have to go now please wrote me as soon as Possible.
    with all wishing the best

  10. Hello there!

    You might not know me at all, but I am your teacher's colleague, teaching English in Costa Rica (Central America).

    I read your comments on the new policy your school principal decided on: "no cell phones in school." As a professor in a private university in Costa Rica, it is sometimes a bit of trouble the use of cell phones in class while you are teaching: students start sending messages or checking them. If you are in class, you are to pay attention. While being on breaks, if you use your cell is ok.

    And believe me or not, once I caught two students paging the answers of a test to each other!! This was outrageous for me. How would you like, if you were a teacher, that someone cheats on your test with a cell phone? What do you think your principal would do to these students?

    (Costa Rica)

  11. Dear Tony;
    Hey;how are you?is every thing okay?
    I want to tell you about something that happened at school.
    the principal decided that students whould not be allowed to bring cellphones to school.
    some of the students got very upset about that;but i think that this decision is right because many of the students bother the other students during the lesson;but sometimes we raly need to use the cellphone.
    what do you think about it??
    write soon;
    your friend 'ADAM'

  12. Dear brother,
    Hey, how are you? How is your college? I am sure that you are doing great with your study …
    I know that you will say: "your study more important than mine ... how is your school?" don’t worry; I had good grades in this semester...
    I have to tell something... And I need your opinion …we have a new rule in our school... the principle decided that students would not be allowed to bring cell phones to school... I am with this rule because a lot of students use cell phones during the lessons...And that is makes noise in the class.
    I think this rule changed life in school because it is more quite and that is help us to have a better learn situation.
    I see that a lot of student don’t agree with this rule … they don’t know the right thing for their advantage!!!
    What do you think? Are you with or against this rule?
    I hope to have more rules like this rule in our school!!!
    Today is the first day in our holiday... I think my mum says that we will vest you next week... I hope to see you soon... call me as possible as you can!!!

    Your sister,

  13. My dear friend
    First, I hope that your health is very good.
    Recently The school decided that it's not allowed to bring mobile to it.and this is for several reasons:
    That students were not satisfied with just bringing mobile, but they are doing to speak during the lesson without paying attention to the teacher is located.and there is also other reasons.It is true that it is important to obey this rule, but I think that students do not care about it.This rule does not change anything from the school climate.
    On the other hand that students must obey the administration because this is for their benefit, but no interest. personally this rule didn't affect on myself because I don't bring mobile to school.
    But there is a question my mind wanders .. Is this rule must be implemented in all schools or only in our school?
    Do you have something like that?
    Finally, thank you for listening to me ..
    from your friend:
    seham sarsour

  14. Dear Tanya!
    Hi,How are you?,How is every thing whitg you!!
    Actually i want to tell some news!! the principal decided that students would not Be allowed to bring cell phones to school.
    Because he saw that the cell phone had Influnce at us so badly!! and in our Study !!!
    I know that this is a good for us!!! but in Another side it's a bad bad bad decision.
    And for my feelings i cant Description it!!Because my cellphone is my life i cant live With out him!
    finaly i hope to get all the best!!
    from your best friend:-
    Yasmeen amer!!!!

  15. Dear mike,
    Hi,how are you ?
    I'm writing to you about my school,about the new rules .
    The important part of this rules that no buddy in the school can bring his cellphone,I mean only students,and now when walk in the school corridors I feel that I'm in a strange place ,there is a lot of quiet and peace ,the students don't have something to play with.
    All of this because some teachers tell the principal that cellphones make students not to pay attention to the lesson .
    In my view i think that teachers are right , but sometimes students have an emergency that make them use cellphones or bring it to school .
    And i want to ask you about your opinion about this new rules.

    with all of my wishes.
    your friend :
    karam badir

  16. Dear Lovely Amna,

    What is going on with you girl?
    is every thing okay?
    I miss you every single day, we hadn't talked with each other after that last time, 2 weeks ago, can you belive that!!
    Oh by the way, do you remember when we talked about my school and about the cell phones that boys and girls bring wuth them, it's like the principal heared us couse he made a new rule:
    "students would not be allowed to bring cell phones to school."
    i'm really happy about that, you know why, i feel more comfortable!!
    I know you will say: i don't like it becouse we need sometimes to take pictures, for example when someone make something funny so we can remember that!!
    well..i agree with you, but do you know how annoying it is, when my classmates turn it on and listening to music, then we can't learn well..well, I can't learn and focus..
    It was really funny when the teacher came to the class and told us about that new rule, they, the boys of course, they got very opset!!

    so..what happens in you'r school??
    is it still great??

    i have a lot of assignments,, so..
    i'll see you when i see you :D
    write me back ^_^


  17. Dear Aya,
    How are you? I miss you so much, there are many things that I want to tell you about, I realy need you, I yearn to our meetings and your beautiful smile.
    I want to tell you about the new rule in my school.
    last week the principal announced that using the cellphone in the school is forbidden.
    this rule remind me of your speech when we met last time, you said that your school doesn't allow student to use cellphone in the class, so so in the mornung all of the students give their cellphones to the secretary and after the end of the school day they get back their cellphones.
    this week I saw that this rule isn't effective, not like at your school, in my school the students want to do what they want.
    I know that when the rule is effective , the order exist, but that doesn't make me agree with making rules.
    I have a logic, students doesn't need rules, they need a mind, just a mind to think and study by and i know that making rules should be done from the beginning, no now.
    that is my opinion, what's your opinion?
    do you agree with me?
    I'm waiting for your answer.
    I look forward seeing you again.
    with love,

  18. Dear mohamed
    Hi how are you?
    I am writing this letter to give me your opinion about a new rule that the principal decided it about one moth ago. He decide that the pupils at the school they should not use a cell phones. but thises not a good idea because some times i need a cell phone to call my frind or my dad and thats effect on a pupils that they some times return to the home while its rain or when it very hot.
    all the students dont like this rule because its didnt Incompatible with the all.
    i hope that the principal will change it.
    mohamed what do you think about this new rule give me your opinion by a letter.

    with love
